Porsche Club of NSW Concourse Raffle Winners

Big day at the Porsche Club of NSW annual Concourse today!

I raffled off a 1-of-1 Personalised artwork with the proceeds going to the Steve Waugh Foundation. Steve does a great job helping kids with rare disabilities – you can learn more about what he does by visiting his website .

Porsche Event Artworks

Congratulations to the winners:

1St Prize of Custom Illustration (Framed) was won by David Andrew (you’ve been notified by phone)

2nd Prize of Signed Steve Waugh book was won by Clive Holmes (you’ve been notified by phone)



Thanks again everyone for entering and supporting the Steve Waugh Foundation.
Big thanks to Laurie at the Porsche Club of NSW

1-of-1 Automotive Artworks



1-of-1 Bespoke Automotive Art


A couple of weeks ago i went to the Sydney Machina Social Club’s car meet down at Clontarf Reserve. Inspired by what Sam and the team are doing and their efforts in helping to raise funds for 3 charities, I thought i’d dip into my own pocket and offer a a framed artwork for them to raffle off. So THIS SUNDAY i’ll be raffling off a framed artwork of the winners car or bike with all proceeds will go to support 3 charities (Men’s Shed, Beyond Blue and Cure Brain Cancer).

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Last night i took the 911 out to the Zen Garage EOMM at Eastern Creek. The EOMM (End of month meet) is a gathering of automotive enthusiasts started by blogger Justin Fox.

It all started when these like minded car nuts (mainly JDM) used to meet at various locations through out the city. When they were constantly ‘moved on’ by the police, Justin looked for a better solution. He and Zen Garage came up with the concept of hiring the Eastern Creek Dragway car park so he and his mates plus heaps of others from the forums could meet up and talk cars without being moved on.

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